Erenshor Wiki

He's on the Docks on Stowaway's Step. The Corporal is necessary in the quest Stowaway Registration and Kio's Papers.

Greeting message:

Whatcha want?



And what? You want your own key to this door? Got no more on me. You wanna take care of a [problem] for me? Doin' it comes with it's own key.


It's a big problem. Kio - that guy down at the Lighthouse there - he's gone kinda nutty. Stared at one too many hermit crabs or somethin'. He's gotta go back home. I have his deportation papers. Go and deliver 'em and collect his gate key. It's all yours.

If you say [registered] to him again after finishing Kio's Papers:

is that problem taken care of?

If you say [problem] to him again after finishing Kio's Papers:

I thought you already took care of this! Here, take another copy.