Erenshor Wiki

He's is located at the Statue of Vitheo on Stowaway's Step. Neziroth is the quest giver for Daggerhart Ancestral Coin (Quest).

Greeting message:

Used to be quite the adventurer... now i'm washed up. Old injuries, ya know. Couldn't even protect my grandfather's lucky [coin] from those [bandits].


[coin] or [protect]

Bandits got it. They're somewhere on the island... Told me I could have it back for 300 gold. I don't have 300 gold and I don't have the oomph to fight 'em anymore either.


Don't know where they hide out. It's a small island... can't be that hard to find, if you've got the gumption.

Giving him his [Daggerhart Ancestral Coin] for the quest Daggerhart Ancestral Coin (Quest):

You found it? My gosh! I don't have much to give, but here - take this. I can no longer put it to good use... or sell it if you'd like.

Giving him a [Daggerhart Ancestral Coin] after having completed the quest:

What's this? A Duplicate? This is definitely fake!